ChatGPT Alternatives

Soumendra's Blog
2 min readFeb 8, 2023

We will discuss the upcoming LLMs (Large Language Models like ChatGPT) in 2023.

Claude by Anthropic:

  • As per their research paper, it is a 52B parameter, Autoregressive pre-trained model.
  • Made by ex-OpenAI employees, Google has invested $300 million in this startup to get a 10% stake in the company and make ‘Google cloud’ the preferred one for Claude. (ChatGPT uses Microsoft Azure)
  • For a detailed response comparison with Claude’s initial version and chatGPT check out this article.

Bard by Google:

Sparrow by Deepmind:

  • Sparrow is a research model and proof of concept designed with the goal of training dialogue agents to be more helpful, correct, and harmless. It is not publicly available and is used for research purposes.

Ernie by Baidu:

  • Ernie, an acronym for Enhanced Representation through Knowledge Integration — has been in development since 2019.
  • Internal testing will complete in March. Initially, it will be launched as a standalone App before integrating with the Baidu search engine.

Stability AI:

  • They are working on an open-source ChatGPT.

With the rise of LLMs, there will be more choices for users, which is a good thing. Let’s see who can have extra features, reliable infra and fine-tuned answers based on the need of the users.



Soumendra's Blog

Senior development engineer at IBM India. Aspiring Solution Architect. Views are personal and not represent my organization.