Usage of forward slash (/) in Python

Soumendra's Blog
1 min readDec 6, 2022

What are the various ways forward slash can be used in Python programming

In Python, the forward-slash (/) has several different uses depending on the context in which it appears. Some of the main uses of the forward slash in Python include:


When used between two numeric values, the forward slash performs division. For example, 10 / 3 evaluates to 3.3333333333333335.

>>> 10/3

Floor division

When used between two numeric values, the forward slash followed by another forward slash (//) performs floor division, which rounds the result down to the nearest integer. For example, 10 / 3 evaluates to 3, and 10 // 3 evaluates to 3.

>>> 10//3


In strings, the forward slash is often used as a separator in file paths or URLs. For example:

path = "C:/Users/john/Documents/file.txt"
url = ""

Regular expressions

In regular expressions, the forward slash is often used to escape special characters. For example:

import re
pattern = r"\d+/\d+/\d+"
text = "The date is 01/01/2021"
match =, text)

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Soumendra's Blog

Senior development engineer at IBM India. Aspiring Solution Architect. Views are personal and not represent my organization.